Hamido from Palestine wants to learn Guitar at AXL Scool of Music

Hamido a young boy from Palestine, has enrolled for a initial Guitar Course at Axl School of music AXL SCHOOL OF MUSIC in October 2008.
He is very enthusiastic about Music and hopes he will learn to play a few songs before he goes back home ....another 6 months from now.
He is also a Student of the English Language.

We welcome Hamido to Axl Scool of Music and wish him all the best in his hobby as a Guitarist, Muician and Singer.

(P.S ...a note to his Family and Friends way back in Palestine..from Hamido...." Hello everyone...I am now a Student in Axl Music Scool Goa, and they are all very nice at the Scool and I will become Very Good Guitarist when I come back Home...."


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